
            Contents of Minutes     

            General format of Minutes        

            More about Minutes     

            Inspection of minutes    

            Minutes to be Evidence

            Presumptions as to minutes       

            Distinction between report and minute   

            Secretary's Duties        

            Distinction between report and minute   

            Secretary's Duties        





·       Draft Specimen/Agenda facilitating minutes writing  

·       Draft Specimen Appointment of Chairman of the Meeting/Certificate of Incorporation/Appointment of Directors/Fixation of Financial Year/Situation of Registered Office/Certificate for Commencement of Business/Adoption of common seal/Appointment of Secretary/Procedure for recording Minutes/Appointment of Auditors/Banking Accounts and its operation/Adoption of pre-incorporation and pre-operative expenses/Next Board Meeting        

·        Draft Specimen Minutes of Board Meeting  

·        Draft Specimen Confirmation of Minutes/Adoption of Common Seal/Industrial Licence/Recruitment of  Staff/Appointment of Financial and Technical Collaborators/Purchase of Land/Next Board Meeting

·        Draft Specimen Minutes for confirmation of Minutes of last Board Meeting, Appointment of Cost Auditor,  Additional Director, Application for Project Finance to Financial Institutions   

·        Draft Specimen Leave of Absence/Confirmation of Minutes/Appointment of Managing Director/Statement in  lieu of prospectus/Statutory Report/Opening of Branch Office/Next Board Meeting

·         Draft Specimen Minute for issue of Duplicate Share Certificates, Application for Permanent Account  Numbers, Sales Tax Registration, Public Issue of Shares Closure of Books, Next Board Meeting        

·         Draft Specimen Minute for opening of Bank Account, Authorisation to execute understanding for import of  raw material for Export Production, Appointment of Sole Selling Agent variation of rights of members         holding 15% redeemable cumulative preference shares         

·         Draft Specimen Confirmation of Minutes/Adoption of Prospectus/Terms of payment for the Equity  Shares/Form of Advertisement/Listing Agreement with Stock Exchange/ Opening of Subscription List/Draft  Letter of Allotment/ Next Board Meeting     

·         Draft Specimen Confirmation of Minutes/Acceptance of offer of Underwriting/Appointment of  Bankers/Brokers to the Issue/Allotment of Shares/Reimbursement of Expenses to Directors/Fees on  Registration of Documents/Next Board Meeting       

·         Draft Specimen Confirmation of Minutes/Short term Loan/Cash Credit Facility/Application for grant of  Subsidy/Issue of Share Certificates without production of Allotment Letters/Transfer of Shares/Amendment of  Articles/ Next Board Meeting     

·        Draft Specimen Confirmation of Minutes/Issue of Share Certificates/Appointment of Committee for  Transfer/Transmission of Shares/Amendment of       Articles/Borrowing in excess of Capita/Approval of loan  from Bank/Next Board Meeting           

·        Draft Specimen Confirmation of Minutes/Final Call on Equity Shares/Adoption of Official Seal/Return of     Allotment/Agreement with Employees'         Union/Purchase Committee/Technical Committee/Next Board   Meeting     

·         Draft Specimen Confirmation of Minutes/Allotment of Shares to Renouncees/Authorisation to   Secretary/Managing Director to present petition to CLB/Appointment of Legal Adviser/Refusal to register   transmission of Shares/Reduction of Capital by cancelling Uncalled Capital/Authority to Secretary to represent   the Company in Court matters etc./Next Board Meeting    

·       Draft Specimen Signing of Minutes/Marketing Policy/Revision of Rules regarding reimbursement of   Conveyance Expenses/Placement of Order/Inspection of Register of Members/Debenture   holders/Quorum at General Meeting/Signing of Minutes of General Meeting/Next Board Meeting    

·        Draft Specimen Signing of Minutes/Authorisation to Secretary to furnish certified copies of Board's   Resolution/Donation/Placement of Order/Collaboration Agreement/Appointment of Consultant/Introduction of   Family Planning Scheme/Execution of Contract/Adoption of Official Seal/Application for extension of time for   Repayment of Deposits/Transfer to Share Premium Account/Next Board Meeting           

·        Draft Specimen Signing of Minutes/Sub-delegation of powers by CMD to Marketing Manager etc.,   Procurement of Machinery/Approval of Annual Accounts/Fixing date of Annual General Meeting/Approval of   Notice of AGM/Marketing Policy/Cash Management System/Internal Audit/Next Board Meeting   

·         Draft Specimen Confirmation of Minutes/Recruitment of Staff/Public Issue/Authority to sign Documents/   Autho­rity for signing Bills/Transfer of Banking Acco­unt/Appointment of Joint Auditors/Next Board Meeting

·         Draft Specimen Confirmation of Minutes/Increase in Authorised Share Capital/Enhancement in Credit   Facilities/Availing of Bills/Re-discounting Scheme/Calling of Extraordinary General Meeting/Shifting of   Registered Office/Next Board Meeting        

·         Draft Specimen Leave of Absence/Appointment of Alternate Director/Confirmation of Minutes/Confirmation   of Circular Resolution/Approval of Minutes of Meeting of Sub-Committee for Transfer of Shares/Amendment   in Object Clause/Ex tension of Time for payment of Allotment/Call Money/Next Board Meeting     

·         Draft Specimen Signing of Minutes/Enrolment as Patron Member/Over-draft/Loan facilities/Appointment of  Cost Auditor/Contribution to National Defence Fund/Exemption from incorporation of subsidiary's  account/Redemption of Debentures/Next Board Meeting      

·         Draft Specimen Leave of Absence/Confirmation of Minutes/Report of Auditors/Increase of Authorised  Capital/Amendment of Articles/Write off/Appraisal of Draft Accounts/Date, Time & Place of Board and  Annual General Meetings    

·         Draft Specimen Confirmation of Minutes/Approval of Debenture Trust Deed/Revision of Scales of Pay/Lease  of Undertaking/Issue of Redeemable Preference Shares/Ratification of act of Managing Director/Next Board  Meeting          

·         Draft Specimen Confirmation of Minutes/Contribution to National Defence Fund/Appointment of Technical  Adviser/Payment of Interim Dividend/Inspection of books of account by Inspector/Appointment of Internal  Auditor/Next Board Meeting           

·         Draft Specimen Signing of Minutes/Minutes of the Committee Meeting/Maintenance of Records/Economy  Administra­tive Expenditure/Purchase of Office Accommodation/Provision of Housing  Accommodation/Appointment of ABC as Whole-time Director/Donation/ Increase in Sitting Fee/Next Board  Meeting     

·         Draft Specimen Signing of Minutes/Disclosure of Interest/Quarterly Financial Review/Revised Budget  Estimates/Formation of Board of Trustees/Opening and operation of Accounts/Rules Regarding Foreign  Allowance/New Accommodation for Office/Raising of Loan/Next Board Meeting     

·         Draft Specimen Confirmation of Minutes/Sales of Forfeited Shares/Non-declaration of Dividend/Sub-division  of Shares/Fixing date for Meeting of the Board/Extension of time for registration of Alteration of Memorandum  of Association/Application of premium received on Shares/Next Board Meeting           

·        Draft Specimen Signing of Minutes/Refusal to allot shares to Nominee/Insurance of Company's  Property/Appointment of Managing Director/Alteration of Capital Clause/Authority to affix Facsimile  Signature/ Approval of list of Creditors/Next Board Meeting

·         Draft Specimen Confirmation of Minutes/Return of Share Application Money/Dividend Account/Allotment of  fractional shares in a bonus issue/Reconstruction of Company/Surrender of Lease/Next Board Meeting

·         Draft Specimen Signing of Minutes/Grant of Loan/Provisions of Housing Accommodation/Appointment as  Project Director/Compensation to Staff posted at Site/Creating additional post of General Manager  etc./Expansion of Cold Rolling Mill/Leave Travel Concession/Tender for Ministry Complex in  Kuwait/Proposal for grant of efficiency incentive to the employees/Operation of Bank Account/ Provision for  Material Cost Estimates/Next Board Meeting           

·         Draft Specimen Signing of Minutes/Extraordinary General Meeting/Bonus to Employees/Appointment of  Consul­tant/Accommodation for Staff/Opening and Operation of Bank Account/Invitation for Acceptance of  Deposits/Investment of Funds/Constitution of Share Transfer Committee/Next Board Meeting            

·         Draft Specimen Confirmation of Minutes/Filling of vacancy caused by resignation/Exemption from  incorporating subsidiary's account/Microfilming of Important Records/Revocation of authorisation to operate  Banking Account/Payment of Bonus/Next Board Meeting    

·         Draft Specimen AGENDA

·         Draft Specimen AGENDA

·         Draft Specimen AGENDA

·         Draft Specimen AGENDA

·         Draft Specimen AGENDA

·         Draft Specimen AGENDA

·         Draft Specimen AGENDA




·         Minutes of the Statutory Meeting     

·         Minutes of the Annual General Meeting       

·         Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting         

·         Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting         

·         Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting         

·         Minutes of Annual General Meeting of XYZ Ltd. held on ______at _____p.m. at _____                 

·         Minutes of the AGENDA               

·         Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of M/s. XYZ Ltd. etc        

·         Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of ABC Limited         

·         Appointment of Directors    

·         Buy-back of shares and issue of sweat equity shares            

·         Consideration of Special Resolution passed for winding­ up/Statement of the Company's Affairs and Listing of  Creditors and their estimated amount of claims/Nomination of a person to be the Liquidator/Fixing of  Remuneration of the proposed Liquidator/Appointment of Members of Committee of Inspection         

·         Appointment of Chairman of the meeting/Consideration of postponement of repayment and increase in the rate  of interest/Authorising Trustees of the existing trust deed to execute supplemental trust deed

·         Appointment of Chairman of the meeting/Consideration of increase in the rate of dividend on preference  shares        

·         Minutes of extraordinary general meeting     

·         Minutes of extraordinary general meeting     

·         Minutes of extraordinary general meeting     

·         Minutes of extraordinary general meeting